
Showing posts from 2016


  By: Hon. Taiwo Akorede (Member, Lagos-State Youth Parliament)      Success doesn't come by dreaming of it only, it comes through strong dtermination, hardwork and some other important pillars of success. One can be successful either positively or negatively. It depends on the one you dream of and make your topmost priority. Attaining the position of "Chairman, Chartered accountants" is a success while attaining the position of "Chairman, Bus conductors" is also a success. There is just a clear difference between the two. One is positive and the other is negative in another viewing.       Basically, there are lots of pillars of success, but most are under one of the below listed "10 ten" because they are the most important pillars of success.                      (1) Determination        (6) ...


   Why is meeting youth needs so important?    If youth needs are met in positive ways, they develop characteristics that strengthens them more for better services. Youth with productive opportunities to experience mastery tend to become problem solvers who are motivated and achievement oriented. Youth who experiences opportunities to be independent become confident and self disciplined leaders and those who also experiences generosity becomes caring and empathic people       If youth needs are met in negative ways, unmet needs can become defining factors in the lives of the youth which might also turn out as negative outcomes in the youth circle. Youth seek to belong through promiscuous or clinging behaviors. They attempt to feel mastery by developing delinquent skills. They try to establish independence by being bullies or through defiant behaviors.Youths are unable to establish their identity and lose themselves in constantly ...