WHY? WHY DRUGS? WHY INTOXICANTS? You may feel this doesn't concern you, you may feel casual towards this, but do you really have a clean conscience?, do you really not play a part in this field?, do you really expect you're doing your best to eschew this? Questions are asked "toned" answers are given. Addiction is a disease caused by concurrent engagement in a particular thing, aptitude, exercise, work, behaviour and basically "intake". It affrights me when drugs and alcohol are mentioned in the same body of a sentence with teenagers and adults. Affliction, calamity, disaster, madness, cruelty, disorderliness, dis-engagement, quietus, demise, death, Mislay, ambition-less, catastrophic ends, these are very very minute in what these things bring at the end, at what they cause in a human's life, at their peak, all hope is lost. We all think "I don't take drugs, i don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't take highing essence" bu...